Monday, January 16, 2017


Communication…Our Future
Micah T.

A boy is having a bad day at a family get together, and he is not comfortable sharing with his family, so he keeps it in. But when stressed don't you just want to scream!? That's why communication is really important,  because it allows you to express your problems instead of holding them in!

You don't like feeling stressed all day right!? Well guess what! Communicating can help with just that. Research shows that “communication is known to relieve stress that is stored in your body”(Rimal).

“Communicating also helps with making and finding new friends!" Online sites and surveys find that “One in ten people don't have a strong friendship with someone” (Shropshire). Additionally, surveys show that many of the friends that people do have, have met digitally. Communicating with people face to face can help you acquire strong friendships!

Another thing is that “Every one in four people are not talking anymore, but intead are texting like crazy." Surveys and studies show that 32% of people would rather communicate via text than over the phone and 52% of people would rather communicate digitally than in-person”(Shropshire).

Communication face to face, in reality, is more healthy and beneficial because it provides people a chance to explain what they mean in person and it gives them a chance to meet new people in a way they might have never experienced before.

While people think that communicating digitally is safer and easier, doctors all  around the world state that face to face communication is the way to go! Once again, face to face is the way to go because it decreases stress and enhances trust, respect, understanding, friendship skills and  decision making skills.


  1. I absolutely agree with every thing you saif

  2. I agree with what you said about communication but sometimes communication can be bad to.
