Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Unknown Health Truths
Keolamauloa P.

Many people are not aware that a 100 gram bar of dark chocolate contains,11 grams of fiber, 67% of the RDA for Iron, 58% of the RDA for Magnesium, 89% of the RDA for Copper, 98% of the RDA for Manganese.  It also has plenty of potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium.  Therefore dark chocolate is healthier than other sweets.  Another reason that it is better than other sweets is that it is a good stress reliever and mood enhancer do to the endorphins in it.  Yet as another study took place it proved that intaking dark chocolate 2 or more times a week lowers the chance of having calcified plaque in your arteries and intaking 5 or more times also reduced cardiovascular disease by a astounding 50%.  Also studies have shown that eating chocolate less frequently had no effect of change.(AuthorityNutrition)

All of those minerals must be for something, right?  Of course they have a purpose.  RDA stands for Recommended Dietary Allowance.  Obviously the fiber is for digestion.  The RDA of iron is for your red blood cells that hold the oxygen needed for your body.  The RDA for magnesium is for your minerals needed for digestion and blood.

“Of all the treats available, chocolate is one of the most craved foods in the world. The first solid chocolate bar, made from cocoa butter, cocoa powder and sugar, was introduced by the British chocolate company J.S. Fry & Sons in 1847, but the history of chocolate goes back at least 4,000 years.1
Pre-Olmec cultures in Mexico produced chocolate as early as 1900 B.C. Originally, it was consumed as a bitter beverage. The cacao beans were fermented, roasted, and then ground into a paste that was mixed with water and spices like chili peppers and vanilla, sweetened with honey.
Throughout its history, chocolate — "the food of the Gods" — has remained a symbol of luxury, wealth, and power. During the 14th century, the Aztecs and Mayans even used cacao beans as currency.  Research has also revealed chocolate has some rather impressive health benefits, provided you're willing to give up the now-familiar sweetness of modern day milk chocolate.” (Dr. Mercola)
“Chocolate is the ultimate comfort food, a sure-fire stand-by in times of stress, a reliable source of consolation when life has let us down, and a mood-enhancer and romance-inducer in more positive circumstances. But is it at all healthy?  If you scoff lots of it, obviously not. But there are a host of medically proven ways in which chocolate — good chocolate, which is to say dark chocolate, with a cocoa percentage of around seventy per cent or more — really is good for us.  Research is continuing all the time, and experts have already found that chocolate is good for the heart, circulation and brain, and it has been suggested that it may be beneficial in such major health challenges as autism, obesity and  diabetes.” (The Telegraph)

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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Rylee A.

Creating Miles of Smiles!
By: Rylee A.

They walk into the dentist office. The girl brushes her teeth 2 times a day, and the boy brushes his teeth once a day. They both come out of the office with something in their hand. The girl has a good job sticker, and the boy has a comeback next week note. New studies show that not brushing your teeth twice a day leads to bad oral health, critical bacteria, and heart diseases. People need to make brushing their teeth part of their daily life. This should be done at least twice a day.
Who likes people with stink breath?! That's right, nobody does. A recent news article evidently shows that a condition of bad oral health is stink breath (Nagelberg, DDS). Your mouth is like the trash, if you don't take care of it, then it isn't gonna be or smell pretty.
Brushing your teeth also helps out with the bacteria in your mouth, the bacteria that is moving around and rotting your teeth right now. Gross right! Although just brushing your teeth alone cleans 40% of your entire mouth, it still makes a difference (Dr. Goolnik., DDS).  The more you don't brush your teeth, the more the bacteria is going to grow. Bacteria is in everything, especially the food that you just ate (that's how the food got in your mouth).
Not brushing your teeth can also increase your chance of a heart attack. Recent studies show that 28% of heart attack patients had bad oral health (Dr. Friedman). Also, according to Bow Lane Dental, “Bacteria from your mouth can make its way to your bloodstream and increase your chance of a heart attack or stroke” (2013). Like I said before, 28% of heart attack patients did not brush their teeth frequently enough. Do you want to be part of that 28%. I know I don't.
If people don't start brushing their teeth at least twice a day, their bodies will most likely produce some sort of health disorder. Therefore, you might encounter some uncomfortable surgery. Clearly people need to brush their teeth at least twice a day, or more frequently.

Grace. M

Be Messy!
By Grace M.
She feels like she is living in a world that hates her. Everyday her mom continuously tells her to clean her room and whenever her friend comes over it’s impossible to not get teased about being a pig. Then one day she stumbled onto a site and her world becomes a lot better. She finds out that living in her untidy environment boosts her creativity, problem solving skills, and improves her health and immune systems. She also learned that being messy is being tidy in her own way. Now she never has to listen to her friends or mom again. She knows being messy is great.
Have you ever been stuck on a problem because you just can’t think of any way to move around it? Well, living in a messy room can help. A study done by students of the University of Minnesota shows that people in a messy room spend the same mental effort producing ideas than in a tidy room,, but their results come out with a higher level of creativity (Vohs). This helps with finding your way out of tough problems. Independent researchers at Northwestern University have confirmed these results and have also confirmed that people in messy rooms are quicker to solve challenging brainteasers than people in tidy rooms (Vohs). As Einstein said “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?”
Does your kid have a tendency to run off with friends and return covered in mud and dirt? If so, no need to put the poor kid in trouble, it’s perfectly fine. It actually helps their immune system improve. Research at Northwestern University shows that when you’re exposed to the common bacteria and microbes of the world it may help your body’s inflammatory systems develop, which plays a very important role with helping your immune systems fight off infections (Simmons). Now, when you see your kid playing in the mud, don’t be afraid to join in. Just don’t forget to take a shower.
As Eric Abrahamson and David H. Freedman said “On a messy desk, the more important, urgent work tends to stay close by and near the top of the clutter, while the safely ignorable stuff tends to get buried to the bottom or near the back, which makes perfect sense.” (Pena). Anyone who has a messy room has personal experience with this. If your important stuff stays at the top, you will always have it at hand, so you know you won’t forget where you put your important papers you need to bring to work.
You might say that having a messy room looks bad and you can’t walk anywhere because of all the clutter, but when you think about it, you can easily move stuff to the side and arrange it to be more eye pleasing but still not very tidy. Even if some people say that it’s impossible find anything in that mess, it probably is. It’s most likely for someone to be able to find something that you always have around you that you put there than something locked away in a random place that you totally forget about just so you can be organized. Remember, even though you might have dust everywhere or you canʻt get through the doorway, you can easily fix that with a little rearranging and dusting. Then your room is dust free and allows you to move around but still be how you want.
If people live in tidy environments they might miss out on the benefits of having a stronger immune system and having the freedom of having things where you want. You all have reduced creativity while living in a tidy environment. Therefore, having a messy room is good, in fact great!
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Emma O.

Mom Was Right, Keep Your Room Clean     by: Emma O.

“You never know what you have… until you clean your room “ - Unknown.

According to Tess Panzer aka the editor and writer for Yahoo news, keeping a clean room can lower stress levels, make you look better, make you more social, and even help you get to work on time. This is because you donʻt have to scramble through unorganized drawers looking for things. Some people say a messy room equals a creative mind, however the benefits of a clean room outweigh any of the negative impacts, if there really are any.

Who likes being late to class or work?...... no one! Having a clean room means that all of your junk drawers are organized, which means you can probably find things a whole lot easier.  How many times do people lose their keys?....... Think about it. If people had an organized room, all they would have to do is open a drawer and take their keys out. With an organized life you will never be late to a meeting or miss out on half of the lesson in school again (Panzer).

Having a clean room does not only helps you get places on time, but it can also make people feel good and look good. It has been proven that keeping a clean room can make you look and feel great. This is because having a decluttered room can bring down your stress levels and help you go to sleep with a happier and calmer mindset. With this mindset, you can sleep more restfully, and we all know the key to beauty is a peaceful rest. As people always say we all need our beauty rest ( Gustina). Additionally, with a good nightʻs rest you are more likely to feel good when you wake up.

Letʻs be real, you're probably embarrassed at the state of your bedroom right now and you don't want anyone to come in it. Well, when you have a clean room then you don't have to be ashamed and worried about what people think (Panzer). This meaning that having a clean room can make you more social.

Some people may argue that having a dirty room can make you more creative, however having a clean room has many more benefits. Having a clean room may make you more creative, but how can you be creative if you can't find things to be creative with in your messy room?

If people don't keep a clean room they may miss out on the benefits. They may experience unneeded stress, and they may not act or look their best. It is obvious that people should start keeping their rooms clean.

Makena A.

Dogs Should Be Indoors by Makena A.
It’s a quiet day at the Aiona house. No one is there; the mom is teaching, the brothers are at school, the baby is at the sitter's, and the father is fighting a brush fire. The only souls there are the pair of lazy doggies, basking in the sun. Just then, the sound of a glass door shattering filled the air. The lazy, black furred dog raised an ear as he peeked through his eyes, just enough to scan his turf, the backyard. No one in my territory, he thought. I'm good. Meanwhile, in the house, a thief ransacks the entire residence, without anyone noticing, not even the dogs. Soon, the thief leaves, just as fast and stealthily as he came. The house goes back to being a quiet, humble abode, except for the fact that the entire place is trashed.  
How could this possibly happen, even though those two tail-waggers are right there? Shouldn’t they scare away the intruder with barking and snarling? This is why dogs need to be kept inside! If their turf is the backyard, then they’ll protect the backyard with their life. If their territory is the house, then they’ll solely protect the house with their life. They also think of you as the owner of their pack. If they think of you as the owner of the pack, shouldn't you own up to that? You need to protect them and nurture them, as if your own. They also make baby's immune systems stronger. If dogs are inside, your baby will be healthier than others who are not exposed to dogs. These are all important reasons to keep in mind for why dogs should be kept inside.  
Yes, dogs will only protect their territory. That’s why they NEED to be inside. They will protect and scare away infiltrators. Yes, they will be a nuisance during parties, but it's WORTH it! If dogs are kept inside, they will protect the inside. How good is that??!!! This is because a dog is naturally protective of where he lives. This means that if is only kept in the backyard, then that will be all that he protects. “If he is never allowed in the house, then the house will not become a place to protect ("Backyard Dog, Outdoor Dog: Facts, Guidance, Solutions"). I have dogs that like to be under the outside stairs, and they only bark when someone is ON the stairs, not before the stairs or in the house. Therefore, I KNOW this is true from personal experience and facts.
You are the owner, the alpha. The dog is the member of the pack. Your dog looks up to you for guidance, strength, and courage. If you throw him in a kennel outside, then he will feel neglected. Why? Why do you do this to him? Your dog looks up to you, and then you throw him outside? ANIMAL ABUSE ALERT!!! He belongs inside, with you! You need to treat him as part of the pack, not like some stale fart in the bathtub! I mean, that's lower than an ant squashed under a stinky shoe! If you’re gonna get a dog, treat him with respect, not yucky, dirty, back-turning neglect!
Having a dog has it's health benefits. Isn't that cool?! If babies are exposed to dogs at an early age, they will develop a stronger immune system than others with no dogs. See, if cleaning commercials are to be believed, humanity is in a bloodshed against germs, and we won't stop until every single one of them is dead. But keeping a dog outside actually makes us more vulnerable to germs and getiing sick because our bodies cannot develop immunities to them! Fortunately, dogs carry germs like the ocean carries water. Having a dog in the house means that more bacteria enters the home and gets inside the people inside the home (one study found that “dog related biodiversity” is especially high on pillowcases). “In turn, people with dogs seem to get i'll less frequently and less severely than people with cats or no pets" (Benjamin).
While some say that dogs are too dirty and shed too much hair to be in the house, the benefits that they bring to our immune systems is important! Because people are going on “germ killing sprees,” we’re not able to develop immunities to germs, which causes us to catch illnesses more often. Well, because dogs are seething with germs, we can develop immunities to them, thanks to the dogs shedding fur and slobbering saliva. Okay I guess the saliva part is pretty gross...

Monday, January 16, 2017

Sophia W

Rewarding Children for Successful Accomplishments?
Written by: Sophia W
   She goes to work every day and works very hard. The CEO of the company comes down to her workplace to tell her that she is getting a raise. Her hard work and sacrifice has paid off. She was filled with happiness and joy. Now let's talk about students. Students go to school for six hours every day, and certain students have extracurricular classes, or after school programs, or long bus rides home, which could equal a school day of up to nine hours long. Both students and employees have to work on their computers, do paperwork, and complete assignments. So, what's the difference between a hardworking student and a hard working parent?  Students should be rewarded for their successful accomplishments. Rewarding students for their successful accomplishments could cause them to want to put in the extra steps to making their work just a little more amazing or higher in quality. Rewarding students for successful accomplishments could motivate them to succeed in their classes or to at least put more time and effort into everything that they do.  
   Do you want to be happy about something? Why not be rewarded for doing excellent and quality work? Would you like to be rewarded because you put that extra paragraph in your essay to guarantee that "A"? According to Futmiller, even tiny rewards can motivate students to keep up the good work” (Harvard Business Review). Are parents happy when they see their children succeeding in school? Do they feel good when they see all their money for: tuition, gas/bus fees, and the supplies as money well spent? I know my parents are happy. Doesn’t it feel good when you see an "A" in your least favorite class or the one that challenges you the most? I know it feels accomplishing on the inside. When students are rewarded for putting in that extra step to being the best, they want to continue to do so. Rewards can make students feel good on the inside and persuade them to keep going when things get tough.
   By children getting rewarded, their brains can automatically tell them that if they some rewards, they need to add the extra step to the equation. Rewards can also help students that are not doing very well in school because it may persuade them to not always be down on themselves. Rewards can be as simple as 30 minutes of screen time or taking children to a movie.
   Many people could argue that children shouldn’t half to be rewarded to go the extra mile. But guess what? Would you want to go to work everyday and do your job just for fun? Probably not. According to debate.org, students should be rewarded, not bribed, for good behavior, good grades, and successful accomplishments (Robertkeus).
   If children don’t get rewarded, they may not put the extra step into making their work amazing. Additionally, their work may be poor,t heir grades might not be as high as they could be, and their behavior may be irregular. Therefore, if parents want to keep children motivated then they should reward them for their hard work the same that employers reward their workers.


Communication…Our Future
Micah T.

A boy is having a bad day at a family get together, and he is not comfortable sharing with his family, so he keeps it in. But when stressed don't you just want to scream!? That's why communication is really important,  because it allows you to express your problems instead of holding them in!

You don't like feeling stressed all day right!? Well guess what! Communicating can help with just that. Research shows that “communication is known to relieve stress that is stored in your body”(Rimal).

“Communicating also helps with making and finding new friends!" Online sites and surveys find that “One in ten people don't have a strong friendship with someone” (Shropshire). Additionally, surveys show that many of the friends that people do have, have met digitally. Communicating with people face to face can help you acquire strong friendships!

Another thing is that “Every one in four people are not talking anymore, but intead are texting like crazy." Surveys and studies show that 32% of people would rather communicate via text than over the phone and 52% of people would rather communicate digitally than in-person”(Shropshire).

Communication face to face, in reality, is more healthy and beneficial because it provides people a chance to explain what they mean in person and it gives them a chance to meet new people in a way they might have never experienced before.

While people think that communicating digitally is safer and easier, doctors all  around the world state that face to face communication is the way to go! Once again, face to face is the way to go because it decreases stress and enhances trust, respect, understanding, friendship skills and  decision making skills.